Wednesday, July 26, 2000

26th July 2000

Well I thought I had lost it but it came home again in the early hours of
Monday morning. My Mojo, my cats, my sanity, my my
Pop Genius. I have had this very mellow tune which was entitled "In Bloom"
and I could not find the words to fit this splendid collection of notes
and then after a few large beers on Sunday night the floodgates opened and
I had more words than your average Countdown contestant. I was just in the
middle of a barren patch in the words department which had lasted for a
month or two so it was reassuring to know that I can still do it. Whenever
I write a song I always worry about whether it will be the last one. If
anyone reading this has heard the songs I have written then you will know
that they are mostly written about other people or other events etc and I
had run out of things to write about. I will be out rehearsing this
evening with Dawson because I want to do some gigs around the country and
it is a bit prohibitive when you have a band like mine who, unfortunately,
are so bloody talented that their services are always required by other
people as well as myself and the financial logistics of doing gigs with
these chaps means that I will have to take a slimmed down version out with
me and that is me and Dawson and two guitars. I am on the phone tomorrow
to start organising this so when the gigs are in place I will put it up on
this page. Tune in next Monday for The Continuing Adventures Of The King
Of Pop In A Foreign Country. Where is he going you may ask. I can't tell
you but I will tell you all about it when I get back.


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