Saturday, May 27, 2000

27th May 2000

Well today was the first day without crutches!!! I went out to the studio and left them at home. It is only a small step and I can't walk properly yet but I am well on my way back to walking normally. I am kinda limping at the moment and look like a man who has an unpleasant visitor in his trousers. If you can imagine that silly dance that Tina Turner does ( you know! the one where it looks like she is holding a chocolate hostage in her pants ) but not as extreme. I want to take this opportunity to ask anyone who has bought my record to get their picture taken with my album in an exotic or famous place then I will put it on the site when I update it. I would rather see pictures of my fans than the ugly gits in my band. I would like any input about what you would like to see on the site as it is for your benefit. I was thinking about having some short video clips of the Taffs and I in the studio or clips of other stuff and maybe a chat room where I could go on-line once a month and chat to y'all in "real-time". Any other good suggestions will be considered. E-mail me at I don't spend a lot of time "surfing" so I would be interested to hear of other sites with groovy ideas and I can check them out and rip them off!!


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